Grumpy Alice

Grumpy Alice
Images can be deceptive!

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Security blankets

The very existence of the concept of god is testimony to humans' need for protection from the dangers of life.

Throughout our childhood we are dependent on a parent - a being larger than ourselves - who (if we're fortunate) provides protection, warmth, nourishment and provides us with the knowledge we need to interact with the physical world and become independent.

We do not necessarily let go of the need for a parent as adults. The power of the physical world to harm us - storms, floods, droughts, accidents, illnesses - and the emotional traumas that beset us can be frightening. We seek some ability to control that which threatens us. Early man invented the idea of powerful supernatural beings who controlled those forces that threatened us and who, if propitiated, would protect us.

Modern humans are not free of the need for a being larger than themselves to whom they can appeal for mercy in times of need. No matter how intelligent and learned a person is in any field of endeavour they may be unable to face the difficulties and fears of life without the idea of a parent substitute who cares for them, loves them, forgives them and who will receive them after death.

We are ALL agnostics. No one KNOWS god exists. No one KNOWS got does not exist. It takes courage to live a god-free life knowing there is no higher authority to whom to appeal in time of trouble. Not everyone can do it. Even the most learned and intelligent. And when we can't, we get VERY clever at justifying our reasons for 'belief'.

Wishful thinking, no matter how cleverly defended, doesn't make it so.

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I'm not even-handed. And while I believe in 'balance' in viewpoints there are enough god-bothering sites out there for the turgid rants of the rabid. Your comment will be posted only if you mind your manners. And perhaps not even then.