Grumpy Alice

Grumpy Alice
Images can be deceptive!

Wednesday, 16 May 2012


There's a rather nutty argument that goes like this:

If an atheist is debating religion with a theist and the atheist keeps mentioning 'god', the atheist must believe god exists because they keep talking about him.

So let's see if that argument is valid if we apply it to something else.

Suppose I tell you that I have a real-life, rainbow-coloured, miniature giraffe in my bathroom cupboard.
You'd probably think I'm a little nutty (at least I hope you would).
You shouldn't believe in my weird and extremely unusual giraffe until I provide proof that it exists and really does live in my bathroom cupboard.
Besides, I've claimed this oddity exists and stated where it is. Now it's up to me to prove my rather absurd claims, right?
The moment you ask me for a photo or other evidence of the existence of my rainbow-coloured miniature giraffe in fact the moment you mention the giraffe at all you've proved it exists because you talked about it.

If this argument doesn't work for you, stop using it to claim atheists believe in god because they mention him in argument!
And if it does work for you, you’ve got a problem.
I’m not interested in it.
Go away.

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I'm not even-handed. And while I believe in 'balance' in viewpoints there are enough god-bothering sites out there for the turgid rants of the rabid. Your comment will be posted only if you mind your manners. And perhaps not even then.